The Birth of Alora Anne
I was 42 weeks pregnant and my wonderful midwife, Jennifer Vines was coming to sweep my membrane July 15, 2014 at 10AM. I was upset, I did not want any intervention during my pregnancy. I believed Alora was coming soon! So did Jennifer! 12:30AM is when I had my first contraction, it was hard and intense. 30 seconds later I had another, and another, and another. Until I found myself hovering the floor vent on my hands and knees and calling Jennifer telling her something is happening, and fast!! Jennifer sends Mary over whom I got to know and love throughout my pregnancy. It was a little after 130AM. I wanted to be in water, I knew it would relieve some pressure. We tried the bath, but every contraction I had was making it impossible to get comfortable. Keep in mind, my contractions are still coming one after another. Jennifer and Carissa get to my house (I think) somewhere around 2AM to find me holding on to Mary for dear life in my hot tub (that I turned into a whirlpool) on the back porch (my shecave). I remember at one point Jennifer telling me, "Carley, I need you to get out of the there, you can't have the baby in there, I didn't bring any extra clothes!” Hahaha finally I found 10 seconds of breathing time to get out of the whirlpool and waddle then fall into the birth pool. In the meantime my mucus plug had fallen out, not long until it was time to push. From what I recall I pushed, squatting in the pool for 2 hours until she started to crown. And after watching hours of birth videos, I'll admit that when that happened I yelled, "F*****g ring of fiiire!" � after Alora's head was out, I remember being somewhat limp and breathed the rest of her out. Once she was here, i can't possibly find the words to describe the feeling of warmth and the sense of accomplishment. I delivered the placenta within the hour. Once I regained some of the strength in my legs Carissa helped me to the bathroom. I peed then took a quick shower. After I was cleaned up, I was in the bedroom lying spread eagle on the bed where Alora latched for the first time and Jennifer checked my vagina. Jennifer then came back multiple times to check on us both over the next several weeks. I had a great experience with my home birth. I look forward to my next birth.